Pain! Pain! Pain!

The darkness surrounds me like a veil of uncertainty,
I wake up all through the night.
To be a prisoner to pain, leaves my soul cry out.
My mind wanders to places, only mad men go.
There was a time when life was hard,
yet the pain was gone.
The black sky fell, and there were furnace sounds.
It grew cold outside, left all alone to fight.
Where can I take these thoughts of doubt?
As the surgeon slept all snug in his bed,
The ointment stung on the back of my neck.
A piercing vibration, many jarring sensations.
I could hardly type this small frame of mind.
I am so very weary, sleep would be kind.
The traction helped for five to ten minuets.
The effects wore off long before my mind,
could find peace in a good nights rest.
No one liked to be around me anymore.
My mood turned grouchy, hot-tempered, and bold.
The pain never leaves me, it is worsening daily.
Sketched into my heart, growing everyday,
Until there is nothing left of me
Pain! Pain! Pain!